How Much Does a Car Wrap Cost?
Shifting the Perspective on Car Wrap Cost
You might on the fence about getting a car wrap. Maybe you’re wondering, “How much does a car wrap cost?” A better question might be, “How much will I lose without a car wrap?” The biggest cost with a car wrap is the opportunity lost when you don’t have a car wrap to advertise your business. This shift in perspective is vital when you’re considering how to spend your marketing dollars.
And if you don’t have a marketing budget, here’s why you still need to invest in a car wrap for your business: Of all forms of advertising, a vehicle wrap is the least expensive per view. And in a single day you can rack up tens of thousands of views. (We’re talking 30,000-80,000 views per day.) They get 2.5 times the attention that any billboard will generate. And they’re far more memorable! Statistics tell us that “moving billboards” like vehicle wraps have a 97% recall rate.
When you have a vehicle wrap branded with your business, your marketing becomes easy — all you have to do is drive. (Or park it in a highly visible location.) You’re able to do all your advertising from the comfort of your vehicle. It won’t take long before the entire city is talking about your brand, and you’ll be serving more customers and making more money.
The Average Cost of an Average Wrap
But what does it cost to get that momentum going? It’s probably not as expensive as you think. The average cost to wrap an average-sized vehicle is about $2500. (Speciality material like chrome or reflective vinyl will push up the cost a little, but it will also increase the cool factor.)
We guarantee our wraps for 3 years, but most last at least 5 years. That means you’re only spending about $500 per year to get millions of eyes on your advertising. With these kind of numbers, you can’t afford to leave your vehicle unwrapped.
If you do not know where to start, we can help. (You can also read our FAQs.) With over 20 years in industry experience, we’ve wrapped about everything there is to wrap: from food trucks to mopeds. Fleet trucks to boats. Pizza delivery cars to police cars. We’ll help you decide on an eye-catching design, schedule an install, and within weeks your marketing will get a reboot and you’ll be influencing the entire Portland area.