Covid Changed Marketing: Here are 3 Easy Ways to Grow Your Business
Covid has changed the way the world works. From our vocabulary to our wardrobes, school closures to supply chain headaches, our expectations and way of life are vastly different from it was 2 years ago. And if you’re a business owner, you know firsthand all the ways Covid has changed the way businesses market their products and services.
Lockdown put a crimp on in-person sales. Mask mandates have stunted interaction. And fear of infection keeps many people at home. So how can you adapt your marketing to rise above these challenges rather than succumbing to them and losing sales? Consider these three options to grow your business during Covid:
1. Wrap Your Vehicles
While you might not be getting the foot traffic you used to, you can stay top of mind every time you leave the house when you vinyl wrap your vehicle. With today’s technology, you can have a high resolution, powerful statement that’s bright and eye-catching from every angle. Imagine yourself at a stoplight, gathering leads. In a traffic jam building your business. Or parked in your driveway growing brand awareness. These are all possible with a custom vehicle wrap. A vehicle wrap gets more views per dollar than any other type of outdoor advertising.
2. Freshen Up Your Signage
There’s this crazy thing scientists call adaption, which means our brains stop “seeing” what is constant every day. Consider all the drivers passing your business every day. Their brains are on autopilot, responding to traffic needs but leaving the rest of their brain power for daydreaming or listening to the radio.
And guess what? They’re not seeing your signage anymore. If your signage has been the same for a few years, shake things up by giving it a new look. Even a simple change in color will suddenly make you visible again to all traffic passing by.
3. Add a Banner for Even More Visibility
Whether it’s a new product or service, extended business hours, or some other sort of news like a one-a-year sale, celebrate it with a banner. WIth the right ingredients, these types of announcements pique people’s interest and make them think you’ve got good things happening in your business. They’ll assume you’re growing, which can lead to greater trust. Why? It makes them believe more of their peers are buying from you, so now they can think about it as well.
These 3 investments can boost your sales and strengthen your revenue stream, allowing you to actually grow your business during Covid. (Spoiler alert: They’ll grow your business after the pandemic, too.)